IBM iのGrails Plugin その2
IBM i(AS/400)Grails Plugin「Systemi Grails Domain Plugin 」の続きです。
grails generate-systemi-all
「grails generate-systemi-all」コマンドは、DomainClassから、静的scaffoldでcontrollerとviewを作成します。
C:\SAVF\grails\1.1.1\cscfle>grails generate-systemi-all Employee Welcome to Grails 1.1.1 - Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0 Grails home is set to: C:\Program Files\grails\grails-1.1.1 Base Directory: C:\SAVF\grails\1.1.1\cscfle Running script C:\Documents and Settings\ushida\.grails\1.1.1\projects\cscfle\plugins\systemitools-0.4\scripts\Generate ystemiAll.groovy Environment set to development Warning, target causing name overwriting of name default [groovyc] Compiling 2 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\ushida\.grails\1.1.1\projects\cscfle\classes name: Employee [groovyc] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Documents and Settings\ushida\.grails\1.1.1\projects\cscfle\classes Employee domainObject:<Employee@3b84ee id=0 sha002=null sha003=null sha004=0 sha005=null sha006=null sha007=0 sha008=0 sha009=nu l sha900=0 sha901=0 sha902=0 sha903=0 newEntity=false version=null> domainObject.COMPOSITE_KEY:false propertyName: employee Generating views for domain class Employee ... Finished generation for domain class Employee Finished generation of EmployeeController.groovy and associated views
「grails run-app」で確認します。
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